Trucker ClubHouse

Rescue Squad Club

An Equipment Repair Road Service Club

dial-a-tech in your area who’ll stop by to help with your issues

This club is not so much about advice (like our Dial-a-Tech Club) but more about doing what we can to help our fellow drivers on the road. We know some drivers who have a whole arsenal of tools in their trucks and a whole lot of know-how to get just about anything fixed on just about any parking lot where they may happen to be and they’re just riding around in their trucks like you and I. One of them might be in the same parking lot you’re at right now and could’ve helped you with your issue but you didn’t know he was there so you called road service and got robbed, as usual. These “SuperTruckers” can help with a lot of different issues out on the road, including jump starts, but you didn’t even know they were available. Next time you have an issue you don’t think you can handle yourself or maybe just don’t want to get dirty and don’t really feel like paying road service an arm and a whole leg, give Rescue Squad a call and we’ll reach out to all our mechanically-inclined members that may be in your area to see if we can arrange the repair. You never know if they’re around if you don’t ask, but what we do know for sure is that our members know a whole lot more than some of these road service people calling themselves mechanics that seem to have issues with even the smallest things (I remember one of them attempting to change one of my tires for 3 hours).


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join the Alliance and let's get to war!

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