Owner-Operator & Small Carrier Alliance
Truckers Taking Back Control, Respect & Pride for our Industry
Shippers are bankrupting truckers by using brokers to bid against each other to boost profits. Even though truckers are responsible for doing all the actual work and taking on all the risk, we allow everyone else to profit except us! OOSCA has developed a unique strategy to remove brokers from the equation by presenting an offer to shippers they can’t refuse, but only if we work together! Become an OOSCA member and let’s get to WAR!
Why Join OOSCA?
Large carriers and brokers provide an undeniable value to shippers: the ability to transport a good number, if not all of their shipments. Why aren’t Owner-Operators & Small Carriers working toward uniting and providing the same service?!
That’s just one thing we’re working on, but there are a few more:
👉 Load Negotiating Power of a Large Unified Asset-Based Carrier instead of a one truck owner, giving shippers an offer they can’t afford to refuse!
👉 Highest Paying Direct-from-Shipper Loads that will only be offered to our trusted, hard-working Members
👉 Combining Forces to get the Best Discounts on Fuel, Truck Parts & Labor, Tires, Trucking Products & Supplies, Good Health Insurance, New & Used Trucks and more!
👉 Lowest Factoring Rates!
👉 Best Investment & Retirement Accounts!
👉 Free Parking Locations all over the US!
👉 Concierge Service for things like Professional Dispatch, Day / Trip Planning, Directions with Traffic ReRoute, Locating Scale before a Weigh Station or Weigh Station ByPass Directions, Safety Services, ELD & Paper Logs Monitoring & Correction and On-Route Locating of anything you may need like Food, Cheap Fuel, Shower, Parking, Repair Locations and Availability, Road Service, Shipper / Receiver Appointment and Availability Verification and more!
👉 On Call Truck, Trailer and Temp-Control Unit (Reefer, Heater, APU) Mechanics for advice on how to get yourself fixed up, or have someone come to you to help get you fixed up and rolling!
👉 A Member ClubHouse with all sorts of clubs to peak your interest, from social and self-help to hobbies, extra income & investments and more. A place where you’ll socialize, have support for things like mental health, bad habits, poor diet & exercise and learn to expand our horizons and become the best versions of ourselves, along with a much-needed matchmaking service to help lonely hearts find one another, and more!
👉 Discounted Lawyers to take care of any and all legal problems, including unpaid freight bill collection, tickets, accidents & downtime claims!
👉 Credit Repair & Counseling!
👉 For a very limited number of our Ultimate Members, a Free Annual Ultra-Luxury Getaway to relax, enjoy life & discuss future ideas!
👉 Free entries into our Truckers’ Fortune Monthly Sweepstakes where you can win lots of money just for being a member!
👉 Knowing that your support helps support Truckers Care, our Charity Foundation, which focuses on things like Truckers against Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Rape, Kidnapping, Pedophilia & Child Abuse, as well as working with organizations like the Wounded Warrior Project and Paralyzed veterans of America and helping Feed, House and Clothe the Homeless, starting with Combat Veterans! We’ll also be working to get a Mentor Program going to help those who don’t have anyone to look up to in their life, and we’ll of course be offering help to drivers who got screwed by unscrupulous carriers and are stuck out on the road get home!
👉 Be a part of a Brotherhood of which you’re proud to be a member! Join us in helping end seclusion & loneliness and promote a sense of belonging to help bring pride back to trucking!
👉 And it doesn’t end there! We will always continue to add more and more value to our members, and the point of all this is that there’s much greater strength in numbers so we can do anything and everything better, easier and cheaper as long as we have the numbers on our side!
Let’s join forces to form an OOSC Alliance the likes of which has never existed and give shippers thousands of reasons to work with us instead of brokers, or else… We hold ALL the POWER!
Truckers are the most important link of the supply chain, and while we’re too powerful for anyone to defeat us, it is always our own division that destroys us!
Truckers continue to experience complete disrespect from all sides so the OOSCA was created with the purpose of uniting truckers to become the most powerful voice of the Owner-Operators & Small Carriers (OOSC) who collectively make up over 97% of the trucking industry and are solely responsible for keeping America surviving & thriving.
The OOSC are at WAR and losing, badly, but we haven’t lost yet! It’s time we hold wealthy shippers & brokers accountable for what we are owed & deserve! We are determined to end our race to bankruptcy so we can all thrive to keep America moving AND our families fed!
All prior & current efforts have failed, but we have a proven strategy that’s guaranteed to succeed, the only thing required is our unity to give them a good reason to see things our way. Take a look at our Rates & Rules page to see what we’re fighting for!
End OOSC Destruction
as easy as 1, 2, 3
It is not only in Numbers, but in Unity, that our Great Strength Lies
This Means WAR
This Alliance was created for anyone who can’t just sit idly by while the shippers and brokers steal everything we’ve worked so hard for! It’s for anyone who can’t just take road trips to Washington and get nowhere with politicians who don’t care about truckers whatsoever! It’s for anyone who understands that broker transparency doesn’t equal truckers making more money! It’s for anyone who can’t afford to park their truck until a miracle happens and things get better! It’s for those of us who have a family to feed and bills to pay and are done letting the shippers and brokers run us out of business! It’s for those who can’t afford to openly boycott brokers just to be put on a Do Not Load list and be reported on Carrier411! It’s for those of us who have had enough and are ready to do something about it! If you can relate to OOSCA’s vision & mission and are ready to fight for a future in trucking of which we can all be proud, join the OOSCA army and let’s get to WAR!!!
Once we finally agree to unite for the noble pursuit of taking our future into our own hands and form an Alliance the likes of which has never existed, there will be no stopping us! We will not waver, tire, falter or fail in our resolve to pursue a future in trucking of which we can all be proud! Running a trucking business is very expensive and stressful and the time has come for our income to reflect that! Join OOSCA and let’s get to WAR!
Let's Get to WAR!
Failed Attempts
all prior and current efforts being attempted are a joke to shippers, brokers and our government, always resulting in losses to truckers and no one else, whether it’s time, money or most often, both. OOSCA is the only Alliance that not only guarantees no losses to our members but also victory in getting all our demands met!
member thoughts

Trucker ClubHouse
It is extremely unfortunate that something like this is necessary and that no one is doing anything about it, which is why we couldn’t just continue to ignore these problems any longer! The Trucker ClubHouse was born out of a necessity to help our fellow drivers with stress and mental & physical health issues, but it became so much more than that! Drivers are extremely stressed out and sleep-deprived, depression is at an all time high, more than 50% of drivers are obese while over 87% have high blood pressure and trucking is America’s deadliest industry, by a wide margin! After looking into these and a whole lot more issues drivers have to deal with besides driving and looking up some scary statistics, we knew we couldn’t just sit idly by and do nothing! The ClubHouse aims to take on as many of these very serious issues as we can, and to provide as much fun as possible for our members while at it. We started with a club to help with this, and another to help with that, and as we kept thinking about issues plaguing our industry, we continued to add more and more clubs and the ClubHouse was born. Check out our ClubHouse page for more info and to sign up